Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Hi guys!

Its been a while since my last confessio... uhm I mean blog... I'm sure you've all been wondering why this chatterbox has gone AWOL (and if you haven't well... that's ok :) )...

Well on my way home from tech, I was sitting on the train (oh and it happened on 16 August...) minding my own business as usual, doing some research on my Blackberry and out of nowhere this asshole grabs my BB out my hand and runs out the train and evaporates from site like the abominable snowman... And what does yours truly do??? Well I decided to catch the fucker... only that didn't play out too well on my side...

After the grab, I got up, looked at the thief dead in the eye and almost ran after him, but I remembered that I need to grab my bag that was on the seat next me... So I quickly grabbed the bag and ran out the train to catch the thieving bastard... unfortunately I didn't realise the train had started to move...

Yes, I will go down as the idiot who jumped out of a moving train... Well after I jumped, I land on the ground with an enormous thump, I was tossed around like a ragdoll - thanks momentum, thou art such a heartless bitch - and I basically destroyed my ankle and sliced my tibia... the ankle was so broken, I could turn my foot in all directions... I hurt like hell, I was screaming my head off and the security was so surprised he just stood there like mental patient who suffers from dementia and can only say the words "I'm a ghost who pee's in ice block trays"...After repeated yelling and screaming like an insane banshee, screeching "fuck you, you thieving bastard" and "Oh my God why did I just jump out of a moving train?" the catatonic security guard came to rescue me and I felt a little bit better...

I remember quite a bit for someone who went through something that traumatic... I remember looking at my broken foot for the first time... It was shifted to the right and I tried to put in back in place, but it just flopped over to the other side... I tried to so hard to get it to stay in the correct position, but it just wouldn't stay there (since the ankle bones where completely broken off from the leg). I remember the smell of the sharp rocks, it smelled like metal and blood. only there wasn't much blood which was probably a good thing... I probably would have bled to death waiting for the ambulance, which took over an hour and a half to get there...  

The sound of trains passing will haunt me till the day I die... mainly because when the security guard helped me up, he put my down on the platform and the trains would rapidly pass by my head. That rushing sound was deafeningly loud and got a whole lot scarier with each passing train...

When the police and the ambulance came, someone else arrived with them - my dad... I have never been that excited to see my dad EVER. I burst out into tears when I saw him, not because of the pain, but because of the relief that I was no longer alone in an unknown train station, surrounded by curious train passengers and security guards who speak in broken English... I was scared shitless for an hour and a half, and that fear evaporated instantaneously when I saw my dad... (I won't go into detail about how he found out... I borrowed one of the security guards phone and on the sly posted an facebook status about my unfortunate predicament)...

At something to seven I arrived at Groote Schuur Hospital (thanks to that very late ambulance) and well my healing began...

I'll clue you in on my time at the hospital in the next blog...

Ciao for now

Mr Love Lace out...