Monday, October 31, 2011

Land of the 7 Billion

Ok people listen up... We're about to reach a population overload...

Some woman on Earth is going to give birth to the 7 billionth little shit today... and it will probably be an "oops, I didn't plan to have you..."

That's right I said it... *snaps my fingers

I just tweeted this: Reaching 7 billion people is not something worth celebrating. That's 7 billion mouths' mother nature has to feed.

As we can all see, the world is becoming extremely overpopulated. People are living on top of each other.

Just take a look at this residential living space in Hong Kong:

This is insane... and this is just in Hong Kong... OK OK OK.... its Hong Kong I know, they do have a lot more people than we do, but the country itself is larger than ours... sooner or later this is everyone's destiny. A destiny where people are forced to live in small cramped up places that look hypnotisingly identical...

Another important thing to remember is that the Age ratio is very out of whack... In Japan, there are more old people than young people. They've implemented a one child only policy and because of that, their birth to death ratio is out of balance. Basically, we're running out of Japs, because they are trying to control their population growth... So they have more old people and not enough young people... Because of this, their economy might also struggle in a few years...

But then you have places that have too many people... period i.e. countries in Africa... People in Africa breed... a lot... ergo, it's overpopulated... but you probably already knew that... I've never seen it for myself, but I have seen many pictures (from people who have been to places like Ethiopia, Congo and Nigeria) and I can safely say, it's terrible... Overpopulated areas are rife with diseases, infections, lack of food and water...

And they are also dying, horribly. Dying from starvation is a terrible way to leave the Earth, but there is just not enough food to feed the world... The sad thing is many people waste food... I've seen this before... I've worked at take-away and in retail food stores... It's amazing just how much food and water is wasted... I've seen people shave while the tap is running and use what I would guess about three litres of water to wash one spoon... (no jokes...) I've seen people throw away hamburgers because the roll wasn't fresh enough...

It scares me to think that in 50 years, the population has doubled... oh and that isn't a steady growth rate, its exponential... meaning in 50 years time (when I'm 72 urgh) the population wont be 14 billion, but probably around 20 billion...

I'll probably be gunned down by saying this but here goes. In the ecology part of my biology classes, I was taught a certain graph... the "J" graph... It's a very important graph that is used in population dynamics... They authors never used people as an example, but rather animals...

Here's the story: everything in nature has a predator, even humans (which happens to be animals.. and human are animals predators...confusing no??? lol)... basically, if you remove the predator, the preys' population will spike exponentially, forming a "J" like scale...after the line reaches its optimum i.e. overpopulated, the population level begins to fluctuate for a while and then in all of a sudden BAM most of the population is exterminated. The causes of the population decline include: starvation, cannibalism, disease, no living space and dehydration.

I believe something similar is going to happen to people... and very soon... 2012 doesn't seem so far-fetched to me any more...

Honestly, I think the planet is fighting back... earthquakes, hurricanes, new diseases... these are signs people... signs... not biblical signs... natural signs...

Love lace out...

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