Monday, February 7, 2011

My giant banana

First of all, no I am not talking about my penis... although... never mind... people read this blog and I'm supposed to be depressing... Don't want to make you people happy now would I ???

I'm literally sitting at my desk at work looking at my giant banana. I brought the banana to work from  home, so that I could have breakfast. Yes it's that big... I'm sure it counts as three fruits...

Anyway, its 11:40 am now and I have yet to eat the banana... well I don't want to eat the banana... I just want to look at it...

I mean its huge!!! I'm so annoyed at the fact that I never brought my camera with today, to show you guys...

I understand how horrible this must sound to you reading this, but I can assure you the banana is worth it...

(what a stupid blog post... sigh)

Mr lovelace and his giant yellow banana out...