Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Video game crushes

I was sitting at working reading stuff on gaming websites and I came across a picture of Nathan Drake... Man he is so hot... even if he is just a video game character... then I realised something, what does the man behind the man really look like???

So I done a bit of investigating and I found out some of the voices to these insanely hot characters are voiced by some - not so hot men... 

Please note, there are other hotter game guys that I like to look at, but unfortunately, their "man behind the man" is actually good looking. This post is just the ones with the 'WTF' man behind the man....

(Oh and these are in order of the game character I think is hottest...)

5. Snow Villiers from Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2

His Voice: Troy Baker...

4.Chris Redfield from Resident Evil Saga (This one is from Resident evil 5)

Voiced by: Roger Craig Smith

3. Basch Von Ronsonberg from Final Fantasy XII 

Voiced by : Keith Ferguson

2. Nathan Drake from the Uncharted saga

Voiced by: Nolan North

1. Solid Snake from the Metal Gear Solis series (Circa Metal Gear Solid 2)

Voiced by : David Hayter (or Sean Baker)

Mr. Lovelace out...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Speech

Today I was given "the speech" but yet another self-righteous gay.

The only difference was that it came from a lesbian...

"The Speech" usually goes on the lines of "You're not happy trying to please your parents by staying in the closet" etc etc etc you should have the gist of it just by that sentence alone.

While I agree with the thought, it would feel great to have a ton of weight lifted off my shoulders, many people tend to forget that that weight will only be replaced with another set of weight called drama. I'm not in the mood for drama. At least not while I'm living under my parents' roof.

What I'm not understanding is this "happy" everyone keeps on talking about... and also this "pleasing"...

"You aren't making yourself happy by pleasing your parents"...

Uhm, last I checked, I wasn't happy, because of some other reason completely unrelated to my parents... second, I am not trying to please my parents by remaining in the closet... What I'm doing, is called protection... 

I'm protecting myself from my parents... I'm protecting myself from being ostracised while still dependant on my family... I'm protecting myself from drama, tears and unwanted hatred...

I'm not happy now and I won't be if I come out to my parents if I still live with them. It's not easy, I am almost never happy at home. The only joy I get is when my niecephew is around, because she is the distraction everyone needs. She distracts me from my homophobic family and she distracts my family from the black sheep of the house as well as the morbidly obese white elephant parked right in the centre of the living room.

Sometimes gay people who throw the speech at me, should remember, not everyone will be greeted with a welcome mat when they come out... For me, I too will be greeted with a welcome mat, but the difference is, I'll be seeing it on the way out of the house.

Mr Lovelace out (or shall I say in)...

International Singles Heartache Day

Guess what guys?! A week from now is International Singles Heartache Day AKA Valentine's Day.

The fourteenth of February has to be the most dreaded day for lonely singles across the whole planet... and everyone knows why.

The funny thing is there are people who try to cheer up the people who have joined Sargent Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band, but those people tend to have actual "Valentine's". How's that for a bitchslap.

This year, like last year, I will be celebrating International Singles Heartache Day by:

1) Listening Sad FM
2) When I'm done listening to Sad FM, I'll change over to Fuck my life FM
3) Eat copious amounts of chocolates that I have bought myself, because no one ever buys me chocolates
4) Drink copious amounts of red/ white and cheap wine... alone in the dark of my 4m x 4m bedroom
5) I will watch shout "LIAR" at the TV, because the chick flick I'm watching just isn't realistic...
6) Cry...
7) Bitch...
8) Contribute to some on-line forum on how V-Day is all about capitalism etc etc etc when I so fucking desperately want a Valentine...
9) Buy myself roses so that I don't feel sad, but then get sad anyway because I had to buy my own roses...
10) Constantly look at my phone for any "Happy Valentine's Day" SMSs, BBMs or Tweets...
11) and finally I will yet again blame myself for being alone on Valentine's Day...

I thought by now some therapist would have came up with a name for the absolute fear of Valentine's Day, but apparently not... instead they have named stupid fears like the fear of spiders...

I hate it when people expect me to be OK with being single... there are many days when I'm glad that I'm single, and there are days when I'm fine being on my own, but due to certain things that's been happening in my life, I could really use the comfort that only a lover can provide (no, not sex...).

I lost my best friend to his boyfriend (and a vast selection of his more "upper class" friends... he can deny it all he wants to but it's true) so I don't really have that special someone I can talk to any more. (He probably doesn't even realise that we've drifted apart. I have him on BBM but we just never chat. I try to initiate a convo but a few messages down the line I get thrown smiley faces, lol's and "tell me something new" as a response.)

I know I'm not the only person who won't enjoy 14 Feb this year, and that's what makes it harder. I know that the people who will have the most miserable time next week Tuesday, would appreciate it more if they had someone to spend it with compared to people who will be spending it with someone.

I know I won't have a Valentine this year, and I probably won't have one next year, but one thing is for sure, if I survive the 14th, I'll be on the 15th...

Mr Lovelace out...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My top 10 sexy celebs

So after looking at both Heat magazine and Channel24, I decided that I should do my own Top Ten sexy celeb men list... It's only fair right???

Here are my top ten in order:

10. Jason 'O Mara
I first really took note of him in this new show Terra Nova... I think he is so hot it's not even funny...
9. John Galecki
How could you not like Leonard??? He is just way too cute... he's adorkable :-)
8. Stephan Lang

He might be old, but he is HAWT! Also from Terra Nova, but I still see him as the total bad ass from Avatar...
7. Ed Westwick

I lourrrrve's me some Chuck Bass...

6. Jim Sturgess

This total cutie, hottie, sexy pie can call me anytime of day...  I am totally mesmerised by the way he presents himself... I'm in love...

5. Colin Firth

Oh Mr Darcy... I'm waiting in the lake for you, so hurry up and jump the fuck in!

4. Boris Kodjoe

There are few men as fine as this one... he is SMOKING HOT... those eye's, that jaw, lips , lack of hair, the five o'clock shadow... if I had a vag, it would be wet...

3. Chris Hemsworth

Now Chris is the reason why I want to go to the land of uhm Australia... He is such a sexy Thor... Do I dare say that I so want to see him work his Mjolnir??? Let I perv a little before I carry on...

2. Ryan Gosling

I was so jealous of Emma Stone, you have no fucking clue...
1. Kit Harrington
My returned virginity is waiting for you my love... You are by far the most handsome, beautiful man I have seen come on my TV screen... Please for the love of everything, don't turn into Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt...

So there's my ten... :)

Mr Lovelace out... 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Curry noodles for lunch

I see everyday on Twitter, people telling me what they are eating for breakfast, lunch and supper... Thanks for sharing guys, I really do give a lot of fuck...

So I had a "tiny" discussion about it with my co-workers (OK technically my Editor/boss) to see if she had any of these lunch meal tweeters... apparently she's one of them... #FootInMouthSyndrome

But I came to the conclusion, that I now, want to piss off a few people by taking the lunch time meal tweeter persona to the next level- 'cause that's the way I glide...

Today for lunch (which I have yet to eat and by the time you read this, I have already eaten) I have Woolworth's MSG free, instant curry noodles...

The packaging is quite colourful and eye catching; red, black, beige and a little bit of brown...

I bought this particular packed, last week Wednesday at the Woolworth across the road from my office...

The expiration date is 30 September 2012...

There's a little box on the top left hand side on the back of the packet that says: FOOD FOR THOUGHT: "Our instant noodles are produced in Singapore where we've specially formulated the recipes and carefully selected the ingredients to bring you authentic flavours without added MSG."

Under that is the list of ingredients: Wheat noodles, Seasoning. Wheat Noodles: Wheat flour, Tapioca starch, Flour improvers, Palm oil (Antioxidants: BHT and BHA). Salt. Seasoning: Salt, Sugar, Curry powder, Yeast extract, Flavourants (Contains, Gluten, Soya*, Onion..

Aaaaah fuckit...I don't have the will power to continue this...

Just cook it in boiling water, pop it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. When the microwave goes PING take it out, drain it if you like and add the seasoning... enjoy

Mr Lovelace out...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Betty White rapping

This needs no explanation...

But the guys are very eye-catching...

Mr Lovelace out...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Oh Kitty!

Fuck off Patrick Dempsey there's a new stud in town!!! God has graced TV with a new hottie and his name is Kit Harington...

Wow, the first time I ever laid eyes on him (and pretty much everyone else) was on the HBO series Game of Thrones. I loved the series so much, I could not bare to wait for the second season to air and I decided to buy the books instead... well firstly, the series is dead accurate in terms of plot... the ages of the people are a little 'iffy' though...

Anyway, from the first episode I was mesmerised and captivated by sheer beauty of Jon Snow. I could not believe that such a beauty even existed! He is simply put, the most attractive man on TV... hands-fucking-down!!!

Here are few darling images of the lovely, talented and remarkably stunning Kit Harington...

This was my PC wallpaper this morning...
This is my PC wallpaper now...
On my blog... :-) 

You have no idea how badly I want to unbuckle that belt...

Cough... I'd kill to go to sleep with that every night...

By far my favourite pic... HE'S JUST SO FUCKING CUTE OK!!!

For me???? Aww you shouldn't have!!!

Honestly, I'm not a particular fan of this image as he does seem to be a little too regal and polished for my taste, but I know deep down, he is not like this at all :-)
Mr Lovelace out...

Night of the living zombie bees

I don't know if you guys have heard about it, but Twitter has been abuzz with this weird but fascinating story about "zombie bees"... At first I thought it was a bunch of bull kak so I let it slide until I saw some credible sites mentioning decided to check it out... turn outs, zombie bees are very much real, but not quite "zombiefied". After a while I decided to write an article about it... 

You can find my original article on

I must say that zombie bees does make me feel a little nervous, mainly because I'm convinced zombies will one day walk the earth... go ahead and laugh, I await the day I say "I told you so"...

Unfortunately I am far from prepared if they arrive...

I have broken my right ankle and I can't run very fast or far for that matter, so I won't really be able to outrun the bastards... good thing they are slow, unless of course they are the zombies from 28 days later... Those guys can run...

Also I am no Annie Oakley...and I do require some training in hand guns, however, I am very proud of my ability to shoot from a long distance rifle... I must say, before you PETA freaks shout at me, I have never shot a living target before in my life... and may I remind you that zombies are dead - well technically they are dead...

But at the end of the day I will admit that my vast knowledge of the different types of zombies as well as the weak points, weapon weaknesses and location specific zombies, I am more than mentally equipped to fight the inevitable horde...

Back to zombie bees, I must admit that us losing bees is a detriment to the world... If you've ever seen the movie Bee Movie you'll understand why they are so freaking important... It boils down to pollination control... with out those buzzing stingers, we wouldn't have food to each and we'd be stuck eating cardboard like in those futurist movies and series' like Terra Nova and Farscape... yes, bees are the only thing that links us to food, flowers and oxygen... (that sentence made more sense in my head, but I'm sure you're smart enough to figure out what I meant...)

Take care of the bees and the bees will take care us of... minus ten people who get stung and die because they tried to swat a bee away... fools.

Mr Lovelace out...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The bitch is back...

Guess who's back???

But before we get on to talking about ME, first things first...

Hahaha I was looking for a cute picture that I could use to wish you guys and I saw that and couldn't stop laughing... I just had to post it...

So last year was a pretty hectic year... for me at least... I know, I know, my problems are minute in comparison to others, but they and MY problems...and this is also MY blog...

As you can see I've developed a little bit of narcissism... OK, not really, I'm just trying this new thing called, "concentrate on yourself for once for fuck sake Lovelace..."

I've always been the person who will sacrifice time, energy, family for friends, friends for family and everyone for a date... I'm always the one waiting and staring at the phone, while the person I'm waiting for is moving on with his life, more than likely fucking a stranger... 

That will all change this year. I'll be filming the seventh instalment of the Star Wars series... Star Wars Episode VII: Return of the Bitch... yip that's right... my high school persona will be visiting Capetonian shores this year... By that I mean, I'll still be the Lovelace you know and love so much, but I'll also have the "fuck whatever-ness" attitude I had during high school, coupled with, fuck you I might be single but I'm not so desperate that I'd jump in bed with you if you buy me a double brandy and coke... just saying...

This year I want to get my drivers licence... it's something I've delayed for far too long...

I'm also going to do the things I like the most and I'm not going to do the things I don't...Why? Because I'm tired of having to go out and pretend that I'm enjoying myself when I really just want to go home and read six more chapters on A Game of Thrones... The only reason I forced myself out was because friends used the "lets go out and get you a boyfriend!" guess who still walks home single??? However, I'll still go to the clubs with my near and dear friend Lizzie Wizzie (and two specific cousins for reason only we know hehehehe, back to Lizzie Wizzie)... Cuz she has a way of reminding me that as long as I'm with her, I'm bound to have a good time no matter what... 

Things I like doing or want to do more:
1) Ignoring stupid people
2) Win debates with people who think they are right...
3) Reading books
4) Going to book launches
5) Playing PS3
6) Baking cakes and perhaps take a few lessons in cake decorating...
7) Write a fuck-ass-load of short stories I'll never dare put on this blog...
8) Write more poetry
9) Spend more time with my favourite cousins (specifically LinnNinjaPurpleTamponFairy and Tiger0 - who co-incidentally has a great blog, check it out - A bullet laced in anger)
10) Focus on the relationships I do have ergo, friends, family and my mini library

Things I hate doing:
1) Large crowds of people, so I'll be avoiding shopping centres
2) Clubs, especially that trance kak (so essentially all gay clubs... cuz it's the only thing gays these days can dance to, HOWEVER! I might go if the all amazeballs Spinsista Mitzi is DJ-ing... cuz her music is the shit!!! but I'm still anti-social/ anti-clubbing)
3) People who only want me for a night - fuck you I'm worth more than a double brandy and coke!
4) Double brandy and cokes
5) Silly little rich kids who want me to pity them because they've had such a "hard and dark" life... pfft mother-fucker please, your drug addiction and subsequent consequences are of your own fucking making! It wasn't society that decided to fuck your life over, you did it you spoilt little shit!
6) I hate being around people who caress so much it borders on fornication, IN FRONT OF ME!!!
7) I hate on-line dating, therefore, I shall remove any online dating site profiles I have... and ignore all new message since they will more than likely be future disappointments, just like my past disappointments...
8) I hate complimenting unworthy people... the only reason I done that before, was to make sure I got noticed... sure I got noticed and thanked (which made me feel good) and then got laugh at behind my back (which made me feel exponentially more kak than before I was made to feel good...)
9) I blatantly REFUSE to be pressured into going to clubs, pubs, outings etc... because my friends think that I have a boring life... their idea of fun is to get wasted, have a hangover the next day and drink some more, smoke weed and drive from one place to another while completely intoxicated, which will render this memory incapacitated... while my idea of a fun, is kicking sweet video game boss ass on my PS3/DS/PC/PS2 or starting and finishing a 800 page brain bending, plot twisting book that will challenge my political/social/philosophical views... and then reading a quick Mills and Boon...
10) I will not be the one to initiate a date, a second date and a third date (which hasn't ever happened...)... if someone really wants to go out with me and thinks I'm worth a second and third, then they better make the phone call... cuz this bitch ain't gonna care till date four...

On a final note... I saw this pic as well :)

Mr Lovelace out...