Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mary-Ann is a b!tch

A long time ago (well about 5 years at least) I was watching MTV and up popped a women I had never heard before. Her name, Regina Spektor. The song she was singing was Fidelity. A beautiful song that captivated me right then and there.

I've pretty much loved every song of hers that my claws could get to. It was her unique and wonderful music, that I was slightly mocked by from my fellow peers at school, they all listen to rap and R 'n B. I went to a predominantly coloured school, and being white, you had to find a way to fit in... Well that's not me. I don't really want to fit in, but I don't want to stand out either... I'm complicated like that... I just want to be me and the best version of me... but that's beside the point .

She wasn't the only singer that was deemed uncool- Mika was another such example. I just love his music, very empowering... all types of rock was unsatisfactory event even classics like the Beetles and Queen were seen unfit to enter Buren High School grounds...

Anyways later when my school career was drawing to a close, songs such as Relax (Mika) were quite popular at BHS- everyone was trying to hit those high notes that Mika loves to use, everyone failed, even the supposed great singers of BHS who thought they would make it big in the industry - more like the singers of mediocrity- but that's just my opinion...

Anyways, one of my favourite songs of Regina S is a song called Sailor Song, I really do love all her songs with a great passion but I just love to shout Mary-Ann's a bitch -

Mr Lovelace out...

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