Monday, May 23, 2011

I draw the line with drugs...

I'm literally sitting and having a convo with a friend via facebook chat, talking about the usual shit... boys, lack of affection, uneventful weekends (on my end), completely dramatic weekends (on her end), how much we miss each other yadda yadda

But then she said something to me that raised a red flag... I won't give you any details, as the conversation was private, but this is something that has always bothered me

Drugs...and drug users

I don't care how gorgeous you are or how in love you are with me, if you take drugs - doesn't matter if you are a casual drug user - do not even attempt to try and win me over... I have a very strong zero tolerance for drug users...

I know I constantly bitch and moan about being single and that I would take any opportunity presented to me, but I do draw the line at drugs... I will never judge another person for using drugs, but I do feel disappointed in that person...

I get that it's your life etc., but I can't help but wonder "why"... Why are drugs, be it dagga (cannabis), extacy (I dont even know how to spell it...), cocaine, speed (???) whatever, so well sought after??? and acceptable???

I know I am this super weird person, but when I am ridiculed by others for lack of experience (on the sex part) and that I've never taken any drugs other than a cigarette (I am not a smoker, just so you know), I often think to myself, who really in this situation is the weird person???

I'll stick to my guns... If I happen to encounter a guy who is hopelessly in love with me and is willing to kick his habit then fine, but if not, tough shit...


  1. I hear you Lovelace. Drugs users are an interesting one. In my life, I have come to see how we all looking for a "high" It is funny, I was just having this chat with my group of pals the past few days.

    We all have our preferred drugs of choice to make us feel good. Some it's TV, Some it's sex, Some Food (My druge of choice!) and others simply the obvious drugs.

    I guess when I come accross a drug user all I see is that their plan or attempts to escape from pain and their issues are obvious. I guess the next question for me is am I willing to take on the situation of dealing with their issues? Right now, I am with you, I am not! I draw a line!

  2. Wow thanks Crazeebee :)

    I just want to know something, if I may ask, where do you stay? There's a guy I see quite regularly on my bus and he kinda looks like you (well your eyes anyway :D )
