Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Music for the ages...

This is just a list of my favourite (and next my least favourite musical instruments) these are in no particular order.

Please know that the only instrument I can play, is someone's nerves...

My Fav's

The violin

If I could pick out one violinist, it would be Vanessa Mae... I remember hearing the violin for the first time. The first real pure violin song I'd ever heard was Vanessa Mae's Storm... I fell in love... When I listen to the violin I feel like the energizer bunny... uber super happy :D

Please excuse the music video, its highly retarded...

The piano

I used to take lessons, but then the lessons became a little too expensive, so I never really got to learn much... But I've always wanted to learn it... The piano to me is my cry time music... if I'm ever truely and deeply sad I'll be listening to piano music and 9/10 time's my eyes will water... This is a piece that captivates me every time I hear it... I am sitting at my desk absolutely breathless... (there is one thing that I hate about this video clip though... this amazing pianist, is wearing flip-flops, I have this relentless, bitter, violent hatred for flip-flops... flip flops is an even bigger red flag than drugs... I can tolerate drugs more than I can flip flops.... I FUCKING HATE FLIP FLOPS !!! AAAHHHH  DEATH TO ALL FLIP FLOP -FUCK...)

The Bass Guitar

I love the sound of the bass guitar, I kinda think that, I'm like the physical embodiment of a bass guitar... Never the centre of a attention, someone who's there, but kinda invisible yet people will know if I'm not there... and never really the one everyone screams at, I mean, I don't know the names of any bass guitarists to be honest, but the bass guitar plays such a vital component to any form of music... I think it's the underdog of the musical instrument world... and there's a hidden kind of sexiness to it... Here the bass guitar gives me courage... whenever I have to go up on stage, to say a speech, poem, oral etc I have the bass play over in my head... and sometimes, that courage turns to sexiness... I Love this clip for three reasons other than the bass sounds so awesome, 1) the guy is beautiful 2) his fingers remind me of a dancing tarantula and 3) its a Final Fantasy VII cover song...

The Harp

If there is instrument I really want to learn, it's the harp... I love the music it produces... the serenity, the calm, the love, the peace, the list goes on... The power of the music created by the harp, for me is more powerful than the power of a nuclear bomb... only, its doesn't bring about destruction... I don't have a specific harp song that I like to listen to, I love all harp music... I feel most at peace when listening to harp music also I think there's a certain level of healing when someone plays it... I suppose, when I learn to play the harp, I'll to cancer centres over SA playing the harp while people get their doses of Chemo... maybe even people on dialysis... if I could play one song this is it...

Mr Love lace out...


  1. I also had piano lessons in primary school even did the pre-grade unisa test but when I went to high school they didn't offer it there :( Would really love to play it still.
