Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Wedding speech

I kinda wrote this last night...

I have no idea how this got in my head, because I wasn't even thinking of my pretend wedding... but if I were to get married, this would be my speech at the reception... (I know the groom doesn't say speeches, just the vows, but the I haven't met Mr right yet so how can I make vows???)

My wedding speech

We’ve had this debate before haven’t we (insert husband’s name)

I say “I love you”, you say “I love you more”, I say “Not nearly as much as I love you”, you say “you’re in DEE-NIAL, cuz I mean, I just, I love you more!”, I say “Bullshit, that’s impossible, cuz I love you more”... the clichéd, corny, ‘I love you more’ debate can go on and on until one of us decides to shut the other up with a long, slow, mouthy, tonguey, eyes closed, hands in hair, surroundings blurred kiss so powerful that if it were anymore powerful it could end war, famine, poverty, HIV, ignorance, self-hate and end all pain...

But today I stand before you, telling you,

I love you today, tomorrow, the next day, maybe not the whole of next week Wednesday or the day we have the inevitable crockery throwing fight, but I love you... after the fight, once the hate comes out all that’s left is love and that love is forever bound to you...

I love you more than pooh bear loves honey

I love you more than a sunflower loves the sun

My love for you is as unbreakable as a mountain made of diamond and titanium...

My love for you reaches further than ends of the universe...

I will love you in this life and I shall seek you out in the next life and love you then, and in the life after that... My love for you will transcend life itself...

And once all life and existence is gone, my love for you will transcend the very confides of existence and being...

But most of all I will love you as passionately, as if it is my last hour with you, forever until the big bang unbangs itself and rebangs itself because I refused to stop loving you...and because you refused to stop loving me...

Mr love lace out...


  1. Mr love lace you are a hopeless romantic :)

    Hope you find someone soon so you can use all this practical for real.

    Stay well

  2. Hahahaha Haven't you read my profile lol :)

    "I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic, ironically I've never been in love."

  3. I'm just confirming the fact :)

    Your young, give yourself a chance, it will happen, just don't force it on yourself & end up with something for all the wrong reasons.

    Play the field, have fun while you search for the right one. There is plenty of time.

    Stay well

  4. By playing the field I don't mean sleeping around. Just in case you get the wrong idea.

  5. and with a heart like that someone will eat you up:-D

  6. Hahahahaha you guys are so weird...

    First of all, this is just a hypothetical speech I wrote, I was feeling loving yesterday... lol

    @JP edible hearts are hard to find...

  7. @Kemptoo, sleeping around is not part of my character... I think, being the person I am, I am incapable of "flings" or "playing around"...

    It's the same with my friends... I don't have many, but I've never lost them... and I will never lose them either... it's just the person who I happen to be...

    I suppose I'm penguin in many ways...

    I was always told to be me, no matter what, be true to myself and to be honest, if I were to "play around" I wouldn't be true to myself... If I were to be in a "relationship" that doesn't grow then that's cool, I'd gladly end it on good terms and not be the clingy, desperate lover. I know that the love won't end on my side, its the way love... so if the love has faded on my partners side then I'll let him go, you know what I mean... I'll let him go on good terms... and move on with my life, but remaining in contact as friends (which is very possible) if he wishes it :-)

    And I'll continue to be that person and love that way till I meet the right one :-)

  8. Who's being serious :)

    Hypothetically.... Bite me, I would love you, but it's not in my nature :(

    Oooh don't start with comparisons to penguins, wrong place to go. As long it is not the "Jackass" kind being in the Cape en all :)
