Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The benefits of public transportation

Yes, just like the title says, public transportation does have its benefits... mind you, those benefits are, well, odd...

I'm not talking about not saving petrol, less traffic yadda yadda... the real benefits are sitting down and pretending to be asleep and eavesdropping (and then sometimes not, seeing they talk so damn loud...)

The conversations people have are HYSTERICAL!!!

Yesterday I sat on the bus for approx. 40 mins and the only conversation I heard was from a group of late fourty somethings and early 50 somethings... The conversation was all about sex... the irony of it all is that yours truly - a 21 year old, lacking in all forms of intimacy- knows EVERYTHING they were talking about, yet it was like their eyes were opened for the first time...

The conversation first started off with one of them reading of the back of what I believed to be a Mills and Boon - I admit, I do read them - They or rather one of the four "shes" was reading it rather loudly... and quite charismatically to...

After the Mills and Boon came what I think was probably a Cosmopolitan magazine... and for what its worth, the way they carried on, it was like they were paging through a playboy for the first time... I held my laughter...

One of the quotes they used (they were talking about penis size) was "its not the size that counts, its the motion of the ocean"... cliche I know... but what bothered me the most, was the way they said it... almost as if they themselves created the corny saying...

Then they carried on and on about vibrators, I'm not too sure... I kinda blanked out... I was fantasizing about Vin Diesel again... well in specific "Riddick" actually... I was thinking about how he'd come running after me... I will not go into detail about what I was thinking at the time, for if I do, I might as well write a book...

After a while they got off the bus and I was still thinking about Riddick... lol

Other benefits of the bus include making up conversations... I like to watch other people on the far end of the bus (I sit quite close to the back of the bus) and think up conversations... it sounds boring, but its quite entertaining...

Another cool feature of the bus, is you can watch people in cars... the shit they get up to is oscar worthy... From picking their nose, to singing along to a song, dancing, BBMing (which annoys me)

BREAKING NEWS: I just got asked out on a date................

I'm way to excited to work let alone blog.... let me go count my chickens before they hatch...

Mr Love lace out :)