Thursday, June 30, 2011

The aeon is over....

My internship at Health 24 comes to an end... a rather funny one, with me wearing my cheap R20 stall bought Peruvian hat and multicoloured scarf... and the rest of my outfit, completely gray...

Anyways I'm not going to blog about my year here... Why? well I'll save it for some other time :-)

But for now, I'm leaving you with this song:

Mr Lovelace out :) ....


  1. Was this only temporary?

    Where to now?

  2. What do you by "was this"... I was an intern, so yes, it was a temporary job... 12 months... and I will still blog lol... Do you really think I'll stop blogging??? Puh-lease!!!

    I worked my ass off making this blog aesthetically pleasing and as pretty as it looks!!!

    And I go back to varsity and get my Journalism diploma...

    Oh how I hate studying...

  3. You answered my question :)

    When do you go back to varsity?

    Have good evening
